Sunday, April 2, 2017

EXP1: Final Model Animations

My final model consists of a lantern-like shape serving as Miyake's upstairs workshop. The industrial looking spiral staircase leads down to a donut shaped translucent showroom connected to a long walkway. This whole area serves as a showroom with cylindrical and rectangular glass cases used to display the artist's works. The 'X' shaped latticework adds structural interest to the building. The water level acts as a datum. Bourgeois's spherical workshop is submerged underwater connoting to a more inward looking environment as most of her works are considered to reflect private sentiment. The long walkway connects the workshops and central showroom to the shore with a sense of grandeur. A grey tinted glass was chosen so that natural light could reach the interiors of the building but also to clearly show visitors the idea of the building having a datum level. I imported my 'corrugated' and 'expanding' material texture to the model to give the exterior a slightly rugged yet contemporary facade. Although I was not fully able to express my ideas through my model due to lack of experience with the software, I am overall very satisfied with my final model as I feel as though not only does it reflect the concept of a datum in an intriguing way, the workshops accommodate and mirror each artist's design philosophy.




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